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Klinik dan jadwal dokter Jepang terdekat di Jakarta & Tangerang. Melayani pasien berkewarganegaraan Jepang. Cek jadwal dokter dan buat janji temu di sini.
Klinik manajemen nyeri kanker di Jakarta & Tangerang. Menangani pasien kanker dan non kanker yang belum teratasi dengan terapi konservatif.
Klinik layanan cuci darah (Hemodialisis) terdekat di Jakarta dan Tangerang. Tersedia kamar khusus untuk pasien dengan penyakit menular.
Layanan Endoskopi, Laboratorium dan Radiologi terdekat di Jakarta dan Tangerang. Lihat layanan pengobatan, lokasi dan jadwal selengkapnya di sini.
Layanan Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) terdekat di Jakarta dan Tangerang untuk batu empedu, batu ginjal, hingga batu saluran kemih.
Ruang Kamar Rawat Inap Kelas 1, 2, 3, VIP dan VVIP terdekat di Jakarta dan Tangerang. Cek harga kamar RSPI dan fasilitasnya di sini.
Layanan Rehabilitasi Medik & Fisioterapi terdekat di Jakarta dan Tangerang. Lihat layanan pengobatan, biaya, dan fasilitas fisioterapi di sini.
Various special offers for you.
At that time, I could not move my leg and my right hand. Thanked to the quick handling and intensive treatment under the supervision of dr. Rubiana, now I can move my hand gradually.
Stroke Patient
I never imagined suffering from a heart attack at a young age. Thanks to proper handling by dr. Sari Sri Mumpuni, discipline in medication, and tight eating pattern, a heart valve ring is unnecessary.
Heart Attack Patient.
Since she was handled by Prof. Hindra Irawan Satari due to dengue fever, my daughter, Darella, does not want to turn to another doctor. She always chooses dr. Hinky, who is very child-friendly.
Triyanawanti, Darella`s mother
Patient with Dengue Fever (DBD)
With medical direction from dr. Rochsismandoko, I keep my blood glucose level normal.
Diabetes Patient
My weight dropped dramatically to just 34 kg. Even though I was still breastfeeding. From the MRI examination and spinal cord sampling, it turned out that I had meningitis.
Meningitis Patient
On my 32 weeks of pregnancy, it turned out that my baby Zane was in a breech position. Fortunately, dr Eric took the action to turn the baby into a headfirst, and it worked!
Fifi Cendrawati
Maternity Patient
My husband is French, and in France, there is a tradition that a father should cut the babys umbilical cord. I told dr. Calvin about this and he agreed to the idea. We were so happy!
Wenly Sarwono
Maternity Patient
At first, I was quite worried because I had to give birth amid the pandemic. Thankfully the health procedures and protocols are very strict at RS Pondok Indah, so that I feel calm and comfortable.
Dini Ayu Augustini
Maternity Patient
Our various best achievements as a commitment to always provide the best healthcare services, prioritizing your safety and comfort.
Hospital Group of the Year in Indonesia 2025
Orthopaedic Service Provider of the Year in Indonesia 2025
Best Specialized Hospital Asia Pacific 2024 – Orthopedics